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Behind the Apron

Hello, lovely readers! I'm Lauren Belle, the cook behind "195 Dishes: Belle's Kitchen." First and foremost, thank you for stepping into my virtual kitchen!


Now, you may be wondering where the name "Belle's Kitchen" originates. As a child, my mom would often call me Lauren Belle. The nickname stuck, so I have decided to name this virtual kitchen "Belle's Kitchen". The play on words was just too good to pass up! : )


From an early age, I've been surrounded by family dinners, wonderful home chefs, and tasty recipes. One of my earliest memories is sitting on my grandmother's counter while my great aunt introduced me to the delicious spices in my grandmother's spice cabinet. From cherished comfort foods to new recipes, my family's kitchen has been the heart of our gatherings, filled with laughter, stories, and, of course, delectable dishes. These early encounters and found memories ignited a life-long love of all things cooking. 


But my passion for discovery extends beyond the kitchen walls. I'm also an avid traveler. In high school, my family embarked on journey across the United States in an RV. In one year, we traveled to forty-six different states. Along the way, we enjoyed the museums, national parks, cities monuments, and cuisine of every stop along the way. One of my favorites: Dutch crunch bread from San Francisco!


Venturing beyond the United States, I've had the privilege of exploring the culinary landscapes across several continents. In France, I adored the local patisseries and became inspired to master the art of creating the perfect  of macaron. In China, I loved the tasty food offered by street vendors, but was most impressed with the exciting meal of hot pot. In South Africa, I got to experience a traditional braai, but my favorite dish was a delectable butter nut squash soup with Xhosa bread. 


Now, with "195 Dishes: Belle's Kitchen," I'm inviting you to join me on a remarkable culinary adventure. As we cook our way through the cuisines of 195 countries, we'll celebrate the connections between food, culture, and history. This journey isn't just about cooking; it's about understanding, appreciating, and savoring the world in all its flavors.


I'm thrilled to have you as a fellow traveler on this adventure. I can't wait to hear about your favorite meals from your own journeys and learn about the memories that food has woven into your life. Drop your email in the sign-up below, and let's embark on this culinary odyssey together! Grab your apron and let's get started. : )


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